Hello everyone, my name is Jennifer Elmer. I grew up in Pennsylvania were I became a avid birder. My first life bird was a Great Horned Owl so it was no surprise to how I became interested in Birds of Prey. When I was 16 years old I volunteered at a nature Center caring for Non releasable Birds of Prey used for environmental education. That was my first hands on experience with them. I had many more years caring for the amazing birds and through that met falconers who would come and help. Since then I moved to Maryland and work as a seasonal naturalist at Pocomoke River Stat Forest. Maryland State parks have this amazing program that uses Non releasable Birds of Prey and Reptiles to spread important messages of conservation called "Scales and Tales ". In all I have 15 or more years hands on experience with handling and caring for raptors and want to broaden my experience in being able to go on a hunt with one.
So far i'm just in the very beginning of my quest of becoming a falconer and met a wonderful falconer who will guide me through the process.