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BTW NAFA is the only organization that I belong to that does not offer members a "Lifetime membership" at some premium price so that you can buy it when you are young and never pay again. If you happen to get an unusually large tax return some year you send in a check and keep getting your Hawk Chalk long after you forget why you subscribed!
I don't get a tax return anymore since I don't pay taxes since I retired, but I understand what you are saying. A lot of places offer a seniors discount on things but I don't ever expect that NAFA would or even should. If I had a time machine I would go back and buy several lifetime memberships and hunting licenses but I think it is to late to invent a time machine for me anyway. I'm not into the heavy physics that it would take to invent a time machine if it is possible and if it is possible somebody or something is already doing it.
Tom Smith, Sometimes, someone unexpected comes into your life out of nowhere, makes your heart race, and changes you forever. We call those people cops.