Here to learn and make some connections
Hello everyone! I joined to learn everything that I can from all of you. I have just started my journey into falconry and I don't expect to trap my first bird for another year or more.
I have a small farm with my husband, two young children (6mo and 2yo) and 3 horses and was actively fox hunting until 3 years ago. Next year I will have more time available for several reasons.
I have always been been fascinated with birds and flight. I got my degree in aerospace engineering in 2005 and flew hang gliders and sailplanes until I could only afford one time intensive and expensive hobby and the horses won out.
For the past few years I have been enjoying the view of the red-tailed and Cooper's hawks that frequent my farm. I'm putting up a few kestrel nest boxes to see if I can encourage any more raptors to move in. Any tips for plantings or other types of attractive landscape features are welcomed. Thank you!
Lauren Fanning
Hampstead, MD