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Hey Steve, I did call them and all they told me was they didn't make them in 433 or 434. I bought several 434 Micro transmitters that I use on birds that I don't use my GPS transmitter on(red-tail, coops, etc.). I just don't see the need for GPS on certain birds as the chance of them getting too far away like a falcon are very slim. And since I bought the 434 Micro's, I bought the receiver that does 433 and 434. I was just wondering how many other falconers have switched to 433 or 434 transmitters and if there was a lot, it just seems like it would benefit them and Marshall to be able to get collars in the same frequency since they already have the receiver. I know it would for me. I know there are plenty of other systems for dogs but it just makes sense to me to combine the systems through Marshall and have everything you use to hunt with all together.