For an apprentice, I sure have had a learning curve. As most know, I fired my first sponsor.
This year after SEVERAL knowledgeable Master Falconers have watched my bird fly and seen the interaction between myself and my 1X Intermewed RT, they have come to the conclusion that I did NOT obtain a BRANCHER from the Rehab center but actually took transfer of an IMPRINT.
The rehab center took this Female from Animal Control (along with her brother) and were "told" that they were found on the ground and fully feathered. (bull) What happened to her before they got her is a mystery.
These Falconers have ALL raised, trained and flown imprints and they all agreed that the behavior exibited by this bird is NOT THAT OF A BRANCHER. She acts and reacts EXACTLY like an Imprint.
This answers SEVERAL nagging questions of mine in regards to why she acts like she does.
: She flies so hard but doesn't connect. She resumes chases.
: Her flight window is a country MILE wide. (not easy for an apprentice because the "window" of a passage bird is tiny compared to that of an imprint)
: She chases, crashes the brush like a warrior but can't seem to catch one.
: She checks off game at the same weight she crashed the brush at the other day.
: She attacks me at times.
: Her constant screaming when she sees me.
Im now attempting to "teach" her to hunt and make success her normal thing. I am using the advise of a REAL Falconer.
(All the "advise" I got from my former sponsor and all the training was bubkus)
I'm trying to trap some bunnies but all I seem to catch is opossums and skunks.
I'm told that I need to put her on several "Bags" (in a row) to build her lagging confidence, teach her that when she gets one of her own that she eats till full and make her crazy to take game. In between Bags I'm flying her for exercise with a weighted leash.
Is there any tid-bits you guys can add? I appreciate constructive input.