Hi, I am from Buffalo, NY and I formerly rode and trained horses. I am unable to continue riding at this time and will never be able to return to the level I rode at due to a serious neck surgery. I am used to being at the farm 7 days a week for several hours a day. I was involved in all aspects of care from cleaning to lugging water buckets across the barn in winter to first aide, including giving shots and stitches. I am very much used to being outside weather its 90 degrees or 10 below, rain, shine, or hail.
I have been debating several possiblities to fill a very large void. I love to work with animals and to be outside. I have always loved raptors, I have even gone to the zoo where, for a week, I was able to shadow the raptors keepers and help in their care. I have been reading as much info as possible and am hoping to find a falconer close by to meet.
Thanks for listening!!!