Call For Director Nominations
Hello All,
It's getting to be that time of year when your CS begins putting together the Call for Director Nominations packet. I am readying this and it will be in the mail within the next few weeks. There will be a complete page of details for nominations plus a return-by-mail form.
If you would like to serve the Association as a member of the board please consider running for one of the Director positions. It is perfectly fine to put your own name into the hat.
As your CS I am charged with securing candidates for each directorate. Multiple candidates for each area is my goal. After all one 'choice' isn't really a choice is it? (Though if your director is doing a super job that's not a bad thing.)
So here's a heads-up - I will be looking for nominations for the following regions and one Director-At-Large:
South Pacific
Great Lakes
Please note: this is a courtesy notice only. Wait for the mailing to arrive to utilize the instructions and accompanying form.
If you wish to view the nomination instructions immediately you can find this in the member area of the Association web site. The information posted is from last year but I will change this shortly. The basic details should remain the same. (
Thank you from your North American Falconers Association Corresponding Secretary.
One final thought - if you haven't renewed yet or wish to become a member and get involved please let me know. I will assist you with this so you may participate in the upcoming election.
All the best,
Donna in Nebraska, USA
Be kinder than is necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.