Ballots are Sent
Dear Association Members,
- A quick note to let you know to watch for your NAFA ballot. These were mailed on July 15. If you haven't yet gotten yours yet it will arrive very soon.
- All North American voting members may vote for director-at-large AND vote on the proposal to increase membership dues. So I am looking for all members to return their ballots! In addition several directorates are electing directors so those living in those regions will be entitled to cast a vote for director also.
- Every vote counts so do take a few moments (away from posting here on
) and vote. In our relatively small Association YOUR voice makes a difference. We have well qualified excellent candidates worthy of your consideration. They have stepped up to help out so do your part and cast your vote!
All the best,
Donna in Nebraska, USA
Be kinder than is necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.