Yes Geoff! I agree with the best efforts of don't loose your damn bird!! That is one, of many things, that we all agree on.
The problem is that I fly my falcons at the farthest limits of elevation than be achieved. I offer no excuses for my preferred style. The down side is that it can be very dangerous. I prefer my falcon to be "gone" visually. It's nothing new to me except for now I know where everything is located. Me, dog, game and most importantly my falcon. Stoops from these extraordinary elevations are what I live to see. But walking the razors edge of a stoop junky can go crosswise REALLY fast. The difference now is that you can react immediately to a yet to be identified threat. The list is monumental. But instead of standing on a butte in the Palouse speculating, my game has been upped exponentially. Recovery is the name of the game because when 2 lbs is slicing earthbound from the heavens they can revise "their" flight without your consultation or approval!! No apologies here. I'm hopelessly addicted. And always looking for the next big high.
Im sure this sounds like a dead end sort of life, but I'm afraid it's a little to late for reprogramming.
We're on the same page, it's just that the same picture we view is perceived so very differently.
Its all good and I really hope that the system variations that are needed by you folks comes SOON. As they say, "It's a game changer.
Has your molt finished? Have a great season