Quote Originally Posted by jdrmd View Post
Do you know how to use a slide rule?
Doesn't everyone? I actually own one too. Came across it a few months ago during a mandatory spouse pleasing cleaning session and though it took
a few minutes I was actually able to make it work. I see little connection to my comments about telemetry though.

MRT retained the conventional telemetry mode as a backup for a number of reasons. Ultimately it has more range and if your Pocketlink or phone die you can use a telemetry receiver as can your falconry buddies who don't even own a GPS. My concern is that falconers will become so enamored with the convenience of the GPS that they either forget how to use "old style" telemetry, ditch their receiver or ,in the case of new falconers,
never actually learn to use it.

My experience with human nature is that convenience works a lot like gravity and we are all drawn to the easiest way regardless of whether or not that is in our
best interest. I include myself. Despite conscious efforts to avoid doing so I find myself giving in more often than makes me comfortable.