Quote Originally Posted by Captain Gizmo View Post
A personal opinion.

Considering the tiny constituency the falconry community represents I am constantly surprised to the point of amazed at the favorable treatment from state and federal legislators and agencies that has been achieved.

Thomas of the Desert
When you are not a sizeable voting population and don't have deep pockets it becomes more an issue of who you know than what you know as the saying goes.
We didn't have much success at the state level until we found some people to build personal relationships with. There is still a lot of room for improvement but
at least we are no longer viewed as simply an annoyance. Handshake politics is not the fastest way to achieve your goals but the bull in a China shop approach
can have repercussions. The PLF lawsuit might very well achieve its intended goals with respect to making falconry regs acceptable to libertarians and the
specific constitutional grounds they cite. Of course after they remove inspections and we can use birds held on falconry permits for commercial purposes how
will the state and federal agencies retaliate? Unless there is derivative benefit for PLF with respect to their own agenda they are not going to step to the plate
to save falconry. They could care less and we don't have deep enough pockets to litigate ourselves.