As I see it, this gentleman has laid out how NAFA has failed over the years. We can argue, ad nauseum, about the merit of his claims, but I think it would probably be more productive if we took the time to point out what NAFA has accomplished over the years. If what we have to say on behalf of NAFA conflicts with his comments, we can then discuss them, but to simply refute his comments because we are enamored with NAFA, proves nothing. I will begin by saying that during and after Operation Falcon, NAFA was instrumental representing falconry at the federal level. In the aftermath of this so-called operation, the USFWS was prepared to put a real damper on the practice of falconry in the United States through new regs, but falconers from all over the country, under the umbrella of NAFA and with the club's encouragement, launched a hell of letter writing campaign to our elected representatives in Washington, and others, which resulted in the feds backing off; in fact, the USFWS sent a representative to the 1988 meet in Amarillo to mend fences with falconers. From this experience, I learned that it is very important to have a national organization that we can run to in times of need. Now, this is not to suggest that NAFA has without fault; in fact, what this individual has written is not entirely wrong (IMO).

Bill Boni

Bill Boni